De Noche / By Night
ISBN 978096039246
42 Pages
Photographs by Laurence Salzmann
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De Noche/By Night consists of photographs Salzmann made during Easter of 2005, during which he accompanised many thousands of pilgrims on an annual oilgrimage to a hich Andean Plateau in Argentina's Juyjuy province. This series also divides itself into two parts, one representing the ecstasy of the spiritual journey of the pilgrims; the other documenting the more secular activities of the night such as hanging out in a pool hall, embracing one's lover in the shadows or chatting with a friend on a street corner before making one's way home.
"…vamos componiendo una figura absurda, dibujamos con nuestros moviemientos una figura identica a la que dibujan las moscas cuando vuelan en una pieza, de aquà para alla, bruscamente dan media vuelta, de alla para aquÃ, eso es lo que se llama movimiento brownoideo, ahora entiendes, un angulo recto, una linea que sube, de aquà para alla, del fondo al frente, hacia arriba, hacia abajo, espasmodicamente, frenando en seco y arrancando en el mismo instante en otra direccion, y todo eso va tejiendo un dibujo, una figura, algo inexistente como vos y como yo, como los dos puntos perdidos en Paris que can de aquà para alla, de alla para aquÃ, haciendo su dibujo, danzando para nadie, ni siquiera para ellos mismos, una interminable figura sin sentido."
"…with our movements we sketch out a pattern just like the ones flies make when they fly around a room…a right angle, an ascending line, from here to there, from back to front, up, down, spasmodically, slamming on the brakes and starting right up in another direction, and all of this is drawing a picture, a pattern, something nonexistent like you and me, like two points lost in Paris that go from here to there, from there to here, drawing their picture, putting on a dance for nobody, not even for themselves, an interminable pattern without any meaning."
- Julio Cortázar, "Hopscotch"
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